

今天是登山日! Classes and academic appointments scheduled before 7 p.m. 是取消了. Evening classes, films, lectures, and other events will be held as planned.





学费 & 金融援助


Smith welcomes and supports qualified students from all economic backgrounds. As part of the college’s commitment to access, 可负担性和公平性, 澳门葡京博彩软件已经取消了对那些接受机构需求援助的学生的本科经济援助计划中的贷款, replacing those funds with institutional grants. The college will meet the full documented need, 这是由大学政策决定的, of all admitted students who apply for aid by the published deadlines. 

This section is for prospective students applying for admission. If you are a current student, please go to the 学生财务服务网站 for financial aid deadlines and policies.


每个家庭都是独一无二的, 我们在这里帮助你完成申请过程,并提供财务建议,帮助你管理大学费用. Whether you’re a traditional first-year student, 转学生, Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件, or international student (or any combination!), it’s important to understand your financial aid options. 



澳门葡京博彩软件 does not include student loans in its undergraduate financial aid packages for students receiving need-based institutional grants—instead, we replace the loan amount with grants from the college, meaning students don’t graduate under a mountain of debt.

The initiative currently contains two parts:

  1. Eliminating loans from its financial aid packages
  2. Providing low-income entering students with one-time startup grants

这一举措推进了学院的目标,即确保所有学生的大学经历都是公平的, 不管家庭经济状况如何.

Smith provides more than $80 million annually in institutional financial aid, and we have been leaders in enrolling Pell Grant-eligible students. 校友和捐赠者的慷慨, 加上我们对财务的谨慎管理——尤其是我们的捐赠基金——使我们能够在这个时候进行这项投资. 从经济援助计划中取消贷款是平衡学生经历的下一步, 不管家庭资源如何.

Who is eligible for no-loan financial aid packages?

Does this program apply to international students?
是的,都是本科生, 包括持有学生签证的学生和持有永久居民身份的学生, 有资格.

Are undocumented students eligible for the program?
是的,都是本科生, including undocumented students and students with DACA status, 有资格.

是的,都是本科生 will be eligible for this benefit.

Does this apply to graduate students at Smith?
No. This policy change applies only to Smith undergraduates.


创业补助金旨在帮助低收入家庭的学生支付大学开始阶段的相关费用. 他们将提供给预计家庭贡献(由澳门葡京博彩软件确定)低于7美元的学生,000.

任何新, 进入高需求学生,其预期家庭贡献(由澳门葡京博彩软件确定)低于7美元,000人将符合资格.

How many students will receive startup grants?

Why is Smith offering startup grants to low-income students?
我们知道,开始上大学可能会包括一些没有完全计划好的费用, 对一些学生来说, those unexpected expenses can make college more difficult. The startup grants are designed to help ease the pressures of everyday expenses, 比如布置宿舍, participating in social activities and local excursions, and meeting the personal needs of daily life. Smith already covers costs associated with books, 学费, 食宿, 在指定的休息时间旅行.

When/how will entering students receive their startup grant payment?


在每学期开始时,学生要支付年费的一半. 出勤费用包括大多数学生在一年中产生的自付费用.

Cost of Attendance for Other 住房 Arrangements for 传统的学生

由住宿生活办公室批准非传统住宿或食物安排的学生有修改的出勤费用. 欲知详情,请浏览 传统学生页面


成本(U.S. 美元)



食物 & 住房




健康 Insurance (domestic students may waive)


*Actual costs incurred will vary and are the student's responsibility.


成本(U.S. 美元)

Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment







有这么多的变量, it can be difficult to know just how much college is going to cost you. 这些工具可以帮助你估计澳门葡京博彩软件大学基于需求的经济援助的资格,以及你可能期望贡献的金额.




How is Smith’s financial aid support changing?
澳门葡京博彩软件宣布了一项雄心勃勃的计划,通过取消助学金中的贷款来资助学生, 2) providing low-income entering students with one-time startup grants, 3)为2022年毕业的获得院校助学金的学生提供一次性启动助学金. 这一举措推进了学院的目标,即确保所有学生的大学经历都是公平的, 不管家庭经济状况如何.

Why is Smith expanding student support?
从一开始,澳门葡京博彩软件就体现了教育机会和公平的原则. Sophia Smith envisioned a college where women would receive an outstanding education, 是那种, 在她的时代, 仅限男性使用. 在我们的历史进程中, we have aspired to enroll the world’s best students, 无论如何, 以及确保学生能够公平地参与澳门葡京博彩软件所提供的一切. Smith provides more than $80 million annually in institutional financial aid, and we have been leaders in enrolling Pell Grant-eligible students. 校友和捐赠者的慷慨, 加上我们对财务的谨慎管理——尤其是我们的捐赠基金——使我们能够在这个时候进行这项投资. 从经济援助计划中取消贷款是平衡学生经历的下一步, 不管家庭资源如何.

Who is eligible for no-loan financial aid packages?

Does this program apply to international students?
是的,都是本科生, 包括持有学生签证的学生和持有永久居民身份的学生, 有资格.

Are undocumented students eligible for the program?
是的,都是本科生, including undocumented students and students with DACA status, 有资格.

是的,都是本科生 will be eligible for this benefit.

Does this apply to graduate students at Smith?
No. This policy change applies only to Smith undergraduates.

创业补助金旨在帮助低收入家庭的学生支付大学开始阶段的相关费用. 他们将提供给预计家庭贡献(由澳门葡京博彩软件确定)低于7美元的学生,000.

任何新, 进入高需求学生,其预期家庭贡献(由澳门葡京博彩软件确定)低于7美元,000人将符合资格.

How many students will receive startup grants?

Why is Smith offering startup grants to low-income students?
我们知道,开始上大学可能会包括一些没有完全计划好的费用, 对一些学生来说, those unexpected expenses can make college more difficult. The startup grants are designed to help ease the pressures of everyday expenses, 比如布置宿舍, participating in social activities and local excursions, and meeting the personal needs of daily life. Smith already covers costs associated with books, 学费, 食宿, 在指定的休息时间旅行.

When/how will entering students receive their startup grant payment?

What does this mean for my aid package?
从2022年秋季开始的经济援助奖将只包括助学金和工作期望, 根据学生财务服务办公室的决定,哪一项奖学金将被授予到充分证明的经济需要.

Will you forgive loans I have already taken on?
No. 已发放的现有贷款仍由借款人负责偿还. The no-loan program applies to financial aid packages beginning in fall 2022.

Can I still borrow loans if I want to do so?
While this new program is intended to address student indebtedness, students will still be allowed to borrow from the Federal Direct Loan Program. 寻求贷款援助的学生应联系学生金融服务办公室询问贷款类型, 和数量, 是可能的.


以下 行为准则 was last updated by NASFAA's Board of Directors in March 2014. 受 执法程序 将于2015年7月1日生效,NASFAA的机构成员将确保:

  1. 财务援助人员不得为个人利益或可能被视为利益冲突而采取任何行动.
    1. 经济援助办公室的员工不会向自己或其直系亲属提供援助. 工作人员 will reserve this task to an institutionally designated person, to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.
    2. 如果提供了首选贷方列表, 它将在没有偏见的情况下编制,并仅为就读该机构的学生提供利益. 有关贷款人和贷款条件的信息将是透明、完整和准确的. 选定优先贷款机构的完整过程将全面公开披露. Borrowers will not be auto-assigned to any particular lender.
    3. A borrower's choice of a lender will not be denied, 阻碍, or unnecessarily delayed by the institution, even if that lender is not included on the institution's preferred lender list.
    4. No amount of cash, gift, or benefit in excess of a 微量允许 任何资助申请人(或其家庭)的资助工作人员应接受金额。, 或来自与该机构有业务往来或寻求与该机构有业务往来的任何实体(包括咨询委员会或董事会的服务,超出与该服务直接相关的合理费用的报销范围)。.
  2. Information provided by the financial aid office is accurate, 无偏见的, and does not reflect preference arising from actual or potential personal gain.
  3. 院校奖励通知和/或其他院校提供的材料应包括以下内容:
    1. A breakdown of individual components of the institution's Cost of Attendance, designating all potential billable charges.
    2. Clear identification of each award, indicating type of aid, i.e. gift aid (grant, scholarship), work, or loan.
    3. Standard terminology and definitions, using NASFAA's 授予信术语词汇表.
    4. 每个奖项的续期要求.
  4. 所有必需的消费者资料均显示在各院校网站的显著位置及任何印刷材料上, 容易识别和找到, 并标注为“消费者信息”."
  5. Financial aid professionals will dis关闭 to their institution any involvement, 兴趣, 或与该机构有业务关系的任何实体存在潜在的利益冲突.


北安普顿,MA 01063

电话: 413-585-2530 电子邮件: sfs@azarnewsonline.com

Call Center Hours: Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.-中午和下午1:30-3:30.m. (美国东部时间)