
返回澳门葡京博彩软件的申请必须在3月1日前提交, 2024年考虑在2024年秋季回归澳门葡京博彩软件.

学术委员会负责监督回归澳门葡京博彩软件的过程. 根据退费原因,退费要求可能有所不同. 关于学术委员会和休假规则的说明, 撤军, 和《回到澳门葡京博彩软件》, 请以当前为准 澳门葡京博彩软件目录.

如果你是一个经济援助接受者联系 学生财务服务 在《回归澳门葡京博彩软件》的早期阶段. 

如果需要健康许可,请联系 沙赫特健康中心 & 健康 在《回归澳门葡京博彩软件》的请求中. (健康 clearance is a separate process and may take time as your health care provider must communicate with our 卫生服务 staff.)  


日期 学期
11月1日 在接下来的春季学期
3月1日 在接下来的秋季学期

确保我们有您当前的电子邮件地址和电话号码. 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 is managed through email and phone, and we need to be able to reach you.


Smith students who have been withdrawn from the College for 6 or more years must apply as Ada Comstock Scholars through the Office of 入学.


的 deadlines are 11月1日5 for the spring semester and February 15 for the fall semester. Smith requires the Common Application for Transfer noting the Ada Comstock Scholars Program; applicants must submit all required credentials, 包括招生人员的面试, 截止日期前.


Start by reviewing the letter you received upon your 撤军 from 澳门葡京博彩软件 to determine whether or not you have met the conditions requested by the 学术 董事会. 如果您需要提款信的副本,请通过电子邮件请求 classdeans@azarnewsonline.com.

To be considered for return, 的 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 Committee requires the following:

  1. 一份完整的澳门葡京博彩软件申请表,包括一份个人陈述. 联系 classdeans@azarnewsonline.com to request a link to the 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 Application and indicate whether or not you took a medical leave. 
  2. 在校外学习期间所获学分的成绩单.
  3. 批准 卫生服务 (如果需要的话).
  4. 批准 学生财务服务.
  5. 与合适的班级主任进行对话.

提交填妥的申请表. Official transcripts should be sent from the institution directly to our office via email or U. S. 如果可能的话,在回复澳门葡京博彩软件的截止日期之前寄给他. Call the 类院长 Office at  (413-585-4915) to schedule a conversation with a class dean.


的 退回澳门葡京博彩软件表格 consists of three parts: your current contact information, a list of courses taken (如果需要的话) and the credit you expect to earn (if you earned credit while away), 还有一份个人陈述.


  • 简单解释一下导致你退出的原因.
  • Brief descriptions of what you have been doing in your time away from the college (study, 工作, 关注健康问题, 志愿服务, 等.).
  • 一个简短的计划,在你回来后管理你的课程工作. 
  • A concise plan for self-care upon your return to Smith (required only if you withdrew for health reasons).
  • (如果你是大三或大四的学生,或者你换了专业) A plan of study that indicates how you will complete the major as endorsed by your major adviser (the adviser can email approval of your plan to the class deans office). If you are changing majors you should have your course plan approved by the chair of your new department.

Any course 工作 taken away from 澳门葡京博彩软件 must be preapproved for transfer credit. (见 转移信用.)如果你已经在其他机构完成了课程, 在澳门葡京博彩软件申报表上列出这些课程.

Upon completion of all course 工作, request that an official transcript be sent directly to:

北安普顿,MA 01063

如果学生因病假或退学离校, official medical clearance is required by the 退回澳门葡京博彩软件表格 deadline; the 学术 执行局不能考虑没有体检合格证明的申请人. A student must submit a brief explanation of the circumstances that led to the medical 撤军 along with confirmation of treatment and healing during the medical leave. A student must submit documentation from a medical professional that serves as medical clearance. 的 documentation will state that the student will be able to attend an academically rigorous residential institution along with a plan for maintaining good health. 学生将分享一个简明的自我护理计划,在重新进入澳门葡京博彩软件.

Each previously enrolled Smith student who is admitted will be required to file new, 更新了健康服务的健康表格.

联系 the Schact Center for 健康 and 健康 directly for instructions at 413-585-2806. 你应该在可行的情况下尽快开始这个过程. 的 学术 董事会 will not 最后ize your request for 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 without health clearance if required.

6月1日 秋季学期
12月1日 春季学期



如果你可以使用Workday, 检查一下你的学生账户是否因为任何原因被冻结了. 如果是这样,你的账户必须由学生金融服务中心清算. 如果您没有Workday访问权限或有疑问, you may contact 学生财务服务 directly for more information at 413-585-2530 or sfs@azarnewsonline.com.


如果你是经济援助接受者, 你应该提前计划并重新申请经济援助, 不管你是否回归澳门葡京博彩软件. 跟随澳门葡京博彩软件 财政援助截止日期 在读学生.

申请经济援助并不意味着你已经被批准回国. It is highly recommended that you complete your financial aid application by the following deadlines:

5月15日 秋季学期
12月15日 春季学期

如果你的经济援助申请到 最后 deadlines listed below, your request to 回到澳门葡京博彩软件 may be denied or prior approval revoked.

8月15日 秋季学期
1月4日 春季学期

Please contact 学生财务服务 with any questions regarding the financial aid application process at 413-585-2530 or sfs@azarnewsonline.com.

在你提交了表格和适当的补充材料之后, you should call the class deans office at 413-585-4915 to schedule an in-person or phone appointment with the appropriate class dean.

这次谈话将给你们一个机会讨论你们的学术计划, 当你重新开始学习时,考虑一下你的选择, and discuss any other issues that are relevant to your successful return to 澳门葡京博彩软件.


一旦你的"回澳门葡京博彩软件"被批准, you will be notified by the class deans office and asked to submit a check or money order for $100 made out to 澳门葡京博彩软件 and sent to the registrar's office to cover the general deposit required of all approved to return students. 直到收到这笔保证金, you will not be considered an enrolled student (your housing will not be assigned and your financial aid will not be calculated).

除了存款单外,您还必须填写存款单 申请重新入学的学生分配房间. 所有被批准回国的学生都需要这份表格, 即使是那些申请住在校外的人.


作为一名被批准归国的学生,我们邀请您参加 面向事件.

Check with the Office of 居住生活 regarding housing assignments, return date and key pick-up.

你应该安排与你的导师会面,讨论你的课程选择. Your adviser will have access to lifting your registration hold a couple weeks before the semester starts. 然而, please note that your adviser will not necessarily be on campus and available to meet prior to the beginning of classes. You will receive information from the registrar's office about registration before the semester starts. 您将有前两周的课程在线添加/删除课程.

如果你有明确的专业, the chair of your department will also be able to lift the registration hold in order to be able to register. 如果你没有申报专业, your liberal arts adviser and your class dean will be able to help you with lifting the hold in order to be able to register.

Please make an appointment with your class dean to follow up on your academic plan for successful completion of your degree.