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Get Election Ready!

Join professors Loretta Ross and Carrie Baker, along with the 澳门葡京博彩软件 Roundtable Group, for "Calling in for Human Rights and Democracy: A Consideration of Project 2025."


教务长和院长办公室每学年都提供各种各样的讲座, 午餐和教师发展研讨会,特色澳门葡京博彩软件教师和客座教授.

Liberal Arts Luncheons

Liberal Arts Luncheons are sponsored by the Provost and Dean of the 教师. LALs will be held on Thursdays in the Neilson Browsing Room, unless otherwise noted. 说话s begin at approximately 12:10 p.m.,并为前40名参加者提供免费午餐(先到先得)。. 





How to Swim through Goo

Becca Thomases, professor of mathematical sciences


Self and Imagination

Qianyi Qin, lecturer of philosophy


Diversity in Scholarship for (Climate) Justice at Small Colleges

Alex Barron, associate professor of environmental science and policy; Sian Bareket ’25


What’s in a Dog’s Breed?

Halie Rando, assistant professor of computer science


Writing the Unknowns of Science Through the Essay

Jamie Green, lecturer of English language and literature


What Is in the 澳门葡京博彩软件 College Historic Clothing Collection and How Can I Use it?

Kiki 澳门葡京博彩软件, professor of theatre



Stephanie Jones, assistant professor of exercise and sport studies


Designing for Transformed Futures

Alix Gerber, postgraduate fellow in interdisciplinary design practices


Fieldwork as [a] Subject: Emotions and Care in Ethnographic Research

Ana Del Conde, McPherson/Eveillard妇女、性别、社区参与和社会变革研究博士后


A Presentation of the Arts Afield 2024 教师 Fellows

Michele Wick, lecturer of psychology


Reaped and Sown: Famine and Ethnic Violence in the Late Ottoman Empire

Matthew Hagop Ghazarian, lecturer of environmental science and policy

Sigma Xi Luncheons

Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society, meets regularly for talks and a complimentary lunch throughout the year. 说话s are open to all faculty, staff and students.

说话s begin at approximately 12:10 p.m. in McConnell Auditorium. A complimentary lunch is offered in McConnell Foyer. 请 visit the Sigma Xi website for the schedule.

教师 Development 事件

教务长办公室全年提供各种教师发展研讨会和活动. 请 visit the office’s 教师 Development webpage for the schedule.


Eszter Hargittai ’96

Neilson Professorship


Eszter Hargittai

Eszter Hargittai ’96 is a Professor and holds the Chair in Internet Use & Society in the Department of Communication and Media Research at the University of Zurich. 她是国际传播协会的会员和匈牙利科学院的外部成员. She is past Fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society, and Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy. Before moving to Zurich, she was the Delaney Family Professor at Northwestern University.

Hargittai的研究重点是数字媒体对社会和政策的影响,尤其关注人们网络技能的差异如何影响他们在网上的行为, and how these may translate into changes in life chances. Hargittai is author of Connected in Isolation: Digital Privilege in Unsettled Times (的 MIT Press, 2022), Wired Wisdom: How to Age Better Online co-authored with John Palfrey (forthcoming with the University of Chicago Press in 2025), 还有三本关于实证社会科学研究的幕后现实的书.

她的作品在美国和国际上的许多流行媒体上都有报道. Her research has been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Microsoft Research, Nokia, Google, 脸谱网, and Merck, among others.

的 Role of Social Media in Learning About Science & 宗教

Monday, September 16 at 5 p.m.

Klingenstein Browsing Room, Neilson Library
Reception afterward in the Skyline Reading Room hosted by the provost, 6:15-7:45 p.m.
社交媒体已经成为人们在无数话题上的重要信息来源,包括有时有争议的科学和宗教领域. Which social media platforms are popular for seeing and discussing these topics? Do people tend to have negative or positive experiences with them? Why might people avoid related conversations? 这次演讲取材于对45名美国成年人的采访,以及一项针对全国代表性样本的调查,505名美国成年人探索什么环境鼓励人们学习科学和宗教,而不是让人们远离科学和宗教.

Workshop: Optimizing Your Digital Presence

What will someone see when they google your name? 你如何确保人们在网上对你的第一印象对你的职业和个人目标是最佳的? How do you avoid your name being associated with harmful material? And why should you care? 这个研讨会将提供一些关于如何思考和做什么来实现与你的目标一致的数字存在的建议.

  • Wednesday, October 23 from 6–8 p.m., Campus Center 205
  • Co-sponsored by the Lazarus Center for Career Development
  • 注册 提前. Free pizza offered to workshop participants.
为教师 & 工作人员
  • 周二 & Wednesday, October 29 & 下午5点到8点.m., Kahn Liberal Arts Institute (21 Henshaw Ave). Dinner included.
  • Express interest by 周二, October 1.

Reading Group on Methods to Study Digital Society

互联网, digital media, 新的计算工具提供了新的机会,同时也提出了独特的挑战,当涉及到研究我们的社会世界的方法. 阅读材料提供了不同寻常的第一手资料——在研究数字社会时,使用传统和尖端的方法进行实证社会科学研究.

的 group will gather for three lunch discussions: 周二, October 22; Wednesday, November 13; and 周二, 12月10日.

Express your interest 10月1日前.

布鲁斯·R. 澳门葡京博彩软件

Ruth and Clarence Kennedy Professor in Renaissance Studies


布鲁斯·R. 澳门葡京博彩软件’s interests include Shakespeare, sound studies, 酷儿研究, and media studies, often in combination. His books include Homosexual Desire in Shakespeare’s England (Chicago, 1991), 的 Acoustic World of Early Modern England: Attending to the O-Factor (Chicago, 1999), Shakespeare and Masculinity (Oxford, 2000), 的 Key of Green: Passion and Perception in Renaissance Culture (Chicago, 2009), Phenomenal Shakespeare (Wiley Blackwell, 2010), and Shakespeare | Cut: Rethinking Cutwork in an Age of Distraction (Oxford, 2016). 澳门葡京博彩软件’s full CV is available.

2022年秋季 讲座日期s and Information

Renaissance Poetry Across Media

In our own media-savvy time, we realize that what gets communicated is very much a function of how it gets communicated. 的se three lectures investigate manuscript, 打印, 雕塑, 在莎士比亚的英国,建筑和音乐作为传播16世纪和17世纪诗歌的媒介.

All lectures will take place in the Neilson Browsing Room and begin at 5 p.m.




Monday, 9月26日

Poetry, Media and Across

Monday, 10月31日

Poetry, Sculpture and Architecture

周二, November 29

Poetry and Music

Engel 讲座hip 每年颁发给在他或她的领域做出重大贡献的澳门葡京博彩软件教员. 该讲座于1958年由犹太妇女全国委员会(National Council of Jewish women)创立,以纪念恩格尔, its onetime president and a 1920 澳门葡京博彩软件 graduate. 的 2024 Engel Lecturer will be Steve Waksman.



的 65th Katharine Asher Engel Lecture 

的 Politics of Scale: Live Music Crowds from Jenny Lind to Taylor Swift



Monday, April 1, 2024 at 5 p.m. — Neilson Library, Klingenstein Browsing Room, 澳门葡京博彩软件 College

Steve Waksman

现场音乐是我们所拥有的最重要的公众集会形式之一,参加音乐活动的人群经常被认为至少具有同等的意义, if not outweighing, the character of the musical artists themselves. 在现代现场音乐的历史上,一个主要的冲动是聚集尽可能多的人群, a tendency that has an important connection to the growth of the live music business, within which big crowds equal money and profit. Yet commercial motives alone do not explain the importance of live music crowds, which also serve as an index of the varied “imagined communities” to which music gives rise. In this presentation, 我将调查现场音乐史上的四个时刻,在这些时刻,人群被赋予了重要意义,成为围绕集体身份和音乐价值的更广泛斗争的象征:瑞典音乐会歌手珍妮·林德(Jenny Lind)的U.S. tour in the early 1850s; the Beatles’ 1965 performance at New York’s Shea Stadium; Beyoncé’s 2018 headline appearance at the Coachella festival; and Taylor Swift’s current Eras tour, which is on track to become the highest-grossing concert tour of all-time.

史蒂夫·瓦克斯曼是澳门葡京博彩软件埃尔西·欧文·斯威尼音乐教授和美国研究教授. His publications include the books Instruments of Desire: 的 Electric Guitar and the Shaping of Musical Experience (Harvard University Press, 1999), and This Ain’t the Summer of Love: Conflict and Crossover in Heavy Metal and Punk (University of California Press, 2009), 它被国际流行音乐研究协会授予伍迪·格斯里奖, U.S. 章. 他与瑞比·加罗法洛(Reebee Garofalo)合著了第六版的岩石历史教科书, Rockin’ Out: Popular Music in the U.S.A. (2014), and with Andy Bennett, he co-edited the SAGE Handbook of Popular Music (2015). His essays have appeared in such collections as the Cambridge Companion to the Guitar, Listen Again: A Momentary 历史 of Pop, Metal Rules the Globe, and 的 Relentless Pursuit of Tone: Timbre and Popular Music. WRSI电台, 的 River in Western Massachusetts, he can be heard as the “Doctor of Rock,,提供一些流行音乐史,以支持黑人历史月和妇女历史月. His latest book is Live Music in America: A 历史 from Jenny Lind to Beyoncé (Oxford University Press, 2022), 它获得了美国音乐学会颁发的美国文化音乐奖,并获得了拉尔夫J. Gleason Music Book Award, given by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

In 2008, 瓦克斯曼是摇滚名人堂美国音乐大师活动的主旨发言人,纪念音乐家和发明家莱斯保罗的遗产. 他关于电吉他的论文获得了1998年美国研究协会颁发的拉尔夫·亨利·加布里埃尔奖. Currently he is completing work on 的 Cambridge Companion the Electric Guitar, co-edited with Jan-Peter Herbst.

A lecture by Ambreen海

September 12, 2024

5 p.m. in the Neilson Library Klingenstein Browsing Room
安德鲁·W. Mellon Professorship in the Humanities and Professor of English Language and Literature


A lecture by Julianna Tymoczko

December 15, 2024

5 p.m. in the Neilson Library Klingenstein Browsing Room
Louise Wolff Kahn 1931 Professor of Mathematical Sciences

Julianna Tymoczko

A lecture by Jeffrey Ahlman

January 30, 2025

5 p.m. in the Neilson Library Klingenstein Browsing Room
Gwendolen Carter Chair in African Studies and Professor of 历史

Jeffery Ahlman

A lecture by Lucie Schmidt

February 13, 2025

5 p.m. in the Neilson Library Klingenstein Browsing Room
罗伯特一个. Woods Professor of Economics

A lecture by 莎拉Pruss

March 11, 2025

5 p.m. in the Neilson Library Klingenstein Browsing Room
Esther Cloudman Dunn Professor of Geosciences


A lecture by Daniel Kramer


5 p.m. in the Neilson Library Klingenstein Browsing Room
Grace Jarcho Ross 1933 Professor of Humanities and Professor of 的atre

Celebrating Collaborations

Celebrating Collaborations

“庆祝合作:学生和教师一起工作”展示和庆祝澳门葡京博彩软件学生的学术工作. 学生 present the results of their senior theses, independent study projects, research seminars and other creative work as part of oral sessions, 面板, poster sessions, exhibits and performances.

了解更多 About Collaborations