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毕业典礼 & 常青藤日传统



At Smith today, caps and gowns are worn at 毕业典礼 to symbolize unity and academic achievement. Academic dress is believed to have originated at medieval British universities. 在1879年澳门葡京博彩软件的第一次毕业典礼上, caps and gowns were considered ill-suited to the progressive spirit of the college. Over time, however, traditional academic regalia came into favor. 

Gowns are usually designed according to the degree held by the wearer. 单身汉的礼服有长, pointed sleeves; master’s gowns have fuller, 袖口袖:在手臂或手腕处有狭缝的袖. Doctor’s robes are often worn open and have velvet edging down the front and three velvet bars across each sleeve. The length of the hood and the width of its velvet border indicate the wearer's highest academic degree.

Colors designate the wearer’s college or university and field of study. The color of the sleeve bars and of the velvet on the hood indicates the academic field, 区分如下:白色用于艺术和字母, 浅蓝色代表教育, 布朗大学美术学院, 粉色代表音乐, 深蓝代表哲学,黄色代表科学. The degree-granting institution is traditionally represented by the color of the hood’s satin lining. Robe color and cap shape may also designate the college or university. 澳门葡京博彩软件的一些教员戴着查理斯奖章, which is awarded to those who have served on the faculty for 25 years or more.


At 毕业典礼, the 澳门葡京博彩软件 mace is carried at the head of the academic procession. It was given to the college in honor of Florence Macdonald ’32 by the three presidents of the college and the six women who chaired the board of trustees during her years of service as secretary to the president at Smith.

Fashioned chiefly from cherry and maple woods, the mace has Celtic-inspired decoration. 刻在头的一侧, 或头部, is the Macdonald crest and on the other side the Grécourt Gates. The crowning ornament of the caput is inlaid with end-grain boxwood and bears the dedication to Florence Macdonald as well as the college motto—“to virtue, (彼得后书1:5), 詹姆斯国王版)——以古典希腊文书写. The names of all the presidents of 澳门葡京博彩软件 have been cut into the shaft.

The mace was designed and fashioned by noted sculptor and printmaker Elliot M. Offner, who taught at Smith from 1960 until his retirement in 2004. The mace is always used to open formal ceremonies at Smith.


The tradition of the Diploma Circle at 毕业典礼 can be traced back to 1911. Originally called the “Great Ring” and then the “Magic Circle,它最终被称为“文凭圈”.” As graduating seniors at Smith traditionally march in the academic procession by house, they do not receive their own diploma when they walk across the platform. 毕业典礼后, seniors march out of the Quadrangle onto the Laura Scales/Franklin King terrace and form a large ring, 几个圈深. 文凭在每个圈子里传递, with graduates leaving the circle as soon as they receive their own diplomas. 渐渐地,只剩下一个圆了. 由大二Push成员协助, the Diploma Circle takes several minutes before each new alum has the correct diploma and joins their families to celebrate their graduation from Smith.


这是学院最古老的传统之一, the Smith 学士学位 is a celebration of thanksgiving led by seniors and the dean of religious life with a final address given by the college president. Seniors find the 学士学位 to be a particularly meaningful way to begin 毕业典礼 Weekend with their classmates. The college 学士学位 harkens to the medieval British tradition of awarding each degree recipient (bacca) with laurels (lauri).


校友游行 “evolved gradually from the custom of alumnae classes to sally forth upon the campus while the ivy procession was being made up, and extend greetings to the senior class and to each other, 也为学校争光, 它的总统, 教职员工和各个班级的成员.第一次正式的游行是在1909年举行的. 尽管校友们现在都统一穿白色衣服, 早期的课程各不相同, 色彩缤纷,有时非常精致的服装. 用彩带来区分同学会的班级. 1905届的学生是第一批携带“标语牌”的学生,到1915年,这些标志已成为一个常规特征, “hailed with appreciative applause and laughter all along the march.”


常青藤的白天和照明的夜晚 are traditional parts of 毕业典礼 Weekend. On the day before 毕业典礼, alumnae escort the seniors in a parade around campus. Then the seniors plant ivy to symbolize the connection between the college and its graduates. On 晚上照明, the campus is lit with colored paper lanterns. 这所大学沐浴在柔和的光芒中, perfect for reminiscing on four years of Smith education and escapades.



自1879年以来,毕业典礼就有了毕业典礼. 多年来, this event has at different times included recognition of retiring faculty members, 学生奖项公告, gifts to the college made by reunion classes and descriptions of the goals of the college. 它最终成为了“常春藤日颁奖大会”,专门表彰那些获得学术奖项的人, 学院的荣誉和奖励, 校友协会和澳门葡京博彩软件基金.

Ivy Day has been a Smith tradition for more than a century. Its original format included the daily chapel followed by a special address by the president to conclude the academic year. The class of 1884 was the first to plant ivy as part of the ceremonies leading to its graduation, 这一天的名字由此而来.

The spot was traditionally marked by carving the class year into the stone foundation of the nearest building, 就像在Seelye大厅看到的那样. In recent years, a ceremonial ivy has been planted in honor of the graduating class.

Another tradition is that of the ivy chain, carried by the Junior Ushers. The chain, which is actually made of laurel leaves, is placed on their shoulders. 迎宾员在常春藤队伍中走在高年级学生的前面.